Thursday, November 8, 2007

she's pretty cute

that day has finally come.
the one where your 9 year old boy drops the bomb.

the "there-is-this-girl-i-like-in-class" bomb.

i simply turned around and smiled. gently asked her name.

and then told him, ok, well, now you REALLLY need to make sure you brush your teeth!

i also added that girls dont like gross things. they dont like earwax contests. they dont like dirty fingernails and they certainly dont like smelly stuff.
so now, everyday, you need to make sure you do your hair, clean your ears and wash your fingernails. and a little super secret smell good formula wouldnt hurt!


  1. My 10 year old daughter has a boy who likes her. Onde day, while cleaning out the rats nest she calls a book bag, I found love notes she had been getting. I am NOT ready for this! I already had to buy her a bra for school this year. Why, why, why?

  2. Oh, Jodi!

    I can't get my 11 year old to brush his teeth w/out a screaming fight, practically!

    And, he had his first "crush" over the summer. A blonde cutey from next door who went to private school (so he didn't know her from school...and we just moved here and didn't really get to know them till Spring when the weather got warmer...) Anyway, it was cute. He's Logan....and she's Loghan.

    Sweet...but it's over. She moved away!
