Wednesday, November 14, 2007

i love my son---no really, I do...

i was doing some straightening & cleaning upstairs tonight when suddenly i was sucked into that BLACK HOLE that is my sons room. this makes the 3rd time this year. usually when i walk by, i close the door, horrified. but i didnt this time. my evening is now shot.

i emerged, victorious, 2 hours later, with 1 full garbage bag and a few boxes of CRAP i packed away, amid a few arguments of what is garbage and what is not garbage. i dont think we will ever be on the same page with that. at least not until he has a son of his own some day, who will undoubtedly think every shred of paper is important, and every rock he has collected is worth its weight in gold.

we sorted and re-organzed everything from hot wheels to rocks to baseball cards. we have a collection of shoeboxes, stuffed with odds & ends - you know - important 9 year old things and top secret papers and treasures.

at 10:00 pm i told him that he is dead meat if i ever have to come in and clean like that again. joe often mocks me: "Stop! or I'll say stop again!"

i made my way to bed to catch up on my blog, when joe appears and say hey you need to change the channel to HDNet - there is a movie on about soldiers in iraq ... so i turned to it. i couldnt watch too long, i was mortified by what i saw, and i wont elaborate on that.

10:15 PM ET7:15 PM PT
RedactedR - 1:30 - 2007 - Cast: Izzy Diaz, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Patrick Carroll, Director: Brian De PalmaA fictional documentary which is centered around a small group of American soldiers stationed at a checkpoint in Iraq. The film alternates points of view, balancing the experiences of these young men under duress and members of the media with those of the local Iraqi people, illuminating how each have been deeply affected by the current conflict and their encounters with each other.


  1. I preparation for the up coming holidays and the family that show up with it, I hav ebeen cleaning my childrens rooms. OMG! I found a collection of acorns, numerous crayon maps to treasure, and all kinds of stuff..... and that was my daughter's room! I have to do shots before I can enter his room!

  2. I know EXACTLY what you mean. I have 2 boys that share a room. One is 11 and the other is 9. Their room is a pit and they are forever arguing! That's why my job is to rearrange and try to make a little peace in my home!! FUN! NOT!!!! But, it must be done...... (as I march off w/ black trash bag and Jodi for President sign!! :-)
