Friday, March 7, 2008

washer update

i neglected to mention that i cleaned my washer so good that it no longer works. I must not have realized that the years of softener gunk buildup was probably lubricating the transmission. lol. anyway. we bought a new set. we got the whirlpool cabrio. you know the one that does like 3 loads at once?!? and is high efficiency and uses less water! talk about going green! i'm very excited. the washer isnt here yet but the dryer is.

in the meantime, our maytags are still under warranty (we just found this out) and we are getting the washer fixed. so - anyone looking for a decent set of maytags, mine are for sale. its the Maytag Atlantis set bought in 2001. they've been great to us.


  1. I am so jealous! I want a set of those! How'd you clean them so good they quit working? Kinda like when someone says "don't wash the car! The dirt is holding it together!"

  2. rofl!! well ya see. i was using this turkey baster...and i...bleach...and holes.......need i say more?

  3. everyone who reads your blog will now check their warranties and go clean their washers...then go washer and dryer

  4. Jodi!...You are hil-Ar-Ious!!!!

    Enjoy the new washer/dryer!!! :)

  5. OMGosh, You definately get the award of the day for entertainment! Thanks for stopping by my blog - and all the sweet (leading) compliments! I am adding you to my favorites!
