Saturday, May 17, 2008

learn something - win something

here is WWP's first episode with FISKARS TV, with our fearless leader showing YOU how to make a fabulous photo box. Go watch it, learn a new project and then enter to win supplies to make your very own!

Have Fun!


  1. I did watch it....always impressed in her speaking abilities. Very interesting and I had seen the box already; really liked it.
    I'll never win anything....but I did enter. That's always fun.

  2. i don't understand what you are talking about

  3. follow the link - although I dont htink it is anything youi would be interested in - but who knows maybe you will. click on the words FISKARS TV

  4. i am off to go watch the video! the store looks so pretty!!!! yay its so exciting.

  5. I watched the video. That box would be so cool for grandparents who don't have a whole lot of room for scrapbooks. Pictures can be cut down to fit in the box and then when grandma goes through looking at all the pictures, she can look and the inside of the box. How cool is that. Well, I thought it was, LOL. Anyway, I watched and entered.

  6. girlfriend you need to update your blog! youre too busy with that store thing. lol

